Dr Caragh Threlfall
Australian Discovery Early Career Research Fellow & Senior Lecturer
School of Natural Sciences, Macquarie University
Email: caragh.threlfall AT mq.edu.au
Area of Research
I use interdisciplinary approaches to address the problem of human impacts on the urban environment. My research examines how cities shape interactions between plants, animals and people. I combine the ecological, spatial, and social sciences, and partner with governments to co-develop environmental solutions to the ongoing challenges posed by urbanisation.
Areas of current research interest: Urban biodiversity, urban planning and design, social-ecological interdisciplinary studies, landscape ecology, ecology and conservation of insectivorous bats, vertebrate & invertebrate field survey techniques.
2012 PhD in Biological Sciences, University of New South Wales, Australia
2006 Bachelor of Environmental Science (Honours Class 1) Advanced, University of Wollongong, Australia
Research and Industry Funding
Threlfall, C.G. ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award ‘Success and the city: biodiversity responses in urban environments’ 2020-2022, $425,000
Threlfall, C.G. Paddy Pallin Foundation Science Award, awarded for my project “Who benefits from resource supplementation in urban landscapes” the Royal Zoological Society of NSW $7000, 2017
Williams,N.S.G, Rayner, J, Threlfall. C.G Streetscape biodiversity planting guide. City of Melbourne. $55 000, 2017-2018
Davies, P., Corkery, L., Nipperess, D., Barnett, G., Bishop, M., Hochuli, D., Hose, G., Lin, B., Keane, A., Osmond, P., Staas, L., Threlfall, C.G, & Wilkinson, S. Urban Ecology Renewal Investigation Project. New South Wales Environmental Trust. $250 000, 2016-2017
Livesley, Kendal, Threlfall, van der Ree, Davern, Hochuli, Fuller. Managing urban trees for people and wildlife, ARC Linkage Grant (LP160100780) $320 000, 2016-2019
Williams, N.S.G, Threlfall C.G, Walker, K. Understanding and enhancing urban pollinator biodiversity via wildlife gardening and citizen scientists, McCoy Seed Funding, Museum Victoria $19,795 2015 - 2016
Kendal, McDonnell, Livesley, van der Ree, Davern, Threlfall, Hughes, Cook, Taylor. Managing urban trees as keystone structures in the social and ecological fabric of cities, Melbourne Sustainability Society Institute $6,000 2014-2015
Williams, N.S.G, Threlfall C.G. Understanding pollination services and plant reproductive success in remnant and revegetated urban parks. Parks Victoria $10,810 2014-2015
Threlfall, C.G., Williams, N.S.G., van der Ree, R., Livesley, S.J., and Harrison, L. Bushland and Urban Biodiversity in a Changing Climate. The City of Boroondarra. $50,000 2014-2015
Threlfall, C.G. Bat and bird biodiversity controls insect pests in urban landscapes. University of Melbourne Early Career Researcher Grant $39,228 2013-2014
Threlfall, C. G., Law, B. & Banks, P. B. Microbat diversity in urban landscapes: mechanisms influencing regional persistence: Australian Geographic Society: $2,300 2009
Threlfall, C. G. Microbat diversity in urban landscapes: mechanisms influencing regional persistence: Jill Landsberg Trust Fund, Ecological Society of Australia: $6,000 2008
Research & Professional Experience
2023 - Senior Lecturer - Macquarie University 0.8 FTE
2020 - 2022 - DECRA Fellow - The University of Sydney 0.6 FTE
2016 - 2020 Project Leader, Shared Urban Habitat, Clean Air & Urban Landscapes Hub, National Environmental Science Program 0.6 FTE
2015 - 2016 Biodiversity Research Officer – NSW Department of Primary Industries 0.8 FTE
2015 - 2016 Research Associate – The University of Sydney 0.2 FTE
2012 - 2015 Research Fellow - Dept Ecosystem and Forest Sciences, The University of Melbourne. The Green Infrastructure Research Group (thegirg.org)
2014 - 2016 Urban Ecologist – Australian Research Centre for Urban Ecology, Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne (part-time role)
2014 Urban Ecologist - City of Melbourne, Urban Landscapes Team (part-time role)
2006 - 2009 Ecological Consultant, Total Earth Care Pty Ltd
Teaching Experience
Lecturer and Subject Co-ordinator – The University of Melbourne, Dept of Resource Management and Geography 2013
Ecology of Urban Landscapes, 3rd Yr Undergraduate.
Plants in the Urban Environment, 1st Yr Masters.
Additionally, I have developed lectures and case studies for:
Managing Urban Landscapes – Capstone subject in a coursework Masters
Ecology, Soils and Plants - 1st Yr Associate Degree
Climate Change II – 2nd Yr Undergraduate
National School of Parks Management - Professional Certificate